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Minutes 5-28-09 Special Meeting

The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on Thursday, May 28, 2009 at
3:00 pm in the C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  

RE:  Employee Discharge:  Municipal Animal Control Officer, Pursuant to Town Charter Section 5-80d.

PRESENT:  Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal.

For the Board of Selectman:  Attorney Courtney George
For the Employee:  Attorney Henry Murray
For the Town:  Attorney Fred Dorsey
Andrea Kingley, Court Reporter
Carolee Mason
Carole Ross
Chief Michael Kehoe
Members of the public and member(s) of the press

TESTIMONY FROM:  Carolee Mason, Human Resource Administrator Carole Ross, State Animal Control Officer Ray Connors.

The special meeting of the Board of Selectman was adjourned at 7:00pm to be continued on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 4:00pm at a location to be announced.

Respectfully Submitted,

S. Marcinek, Clerk